What does
it mean
to create
a CER?

The RECOCER project’s identity card was used to
Coordinate the formation of Renewable Energy Communities across the region.
The Energy Center of the Polytechnic of Turin provided technical and scientific support.
Synergies with the CER of Magliano Alpi (first in Italy).
All 15 communities of the CCF have a population of 50.000 people.
The dates are September 2021 through December 2023.
Creation of CCF technical-managerial competence for systemic direction of CER and AUC constitution and management processes on the 15 Municipalities’ area.
Innovative Ecological Transition business models based on CERs and AUCs as change engines and public-private collaboration.
Establishment of CER and AUC on the CCF’s territory through the use of funds from the RAFVG Concertation and the PNRR.
Integrated CER management with a view to integration. Supramunicipal, with a view inspired by Directive 944/2019 on “Citizens’ Energy Communities” (soon to be implemented).
Development of research pilot sites, including calls from the European Union’s Horizon Europe program.
Expressions of interest for the selection of suppliers of goods and services, as well as enabling platforms, have been shared.
Sharing of San Daniele del Friuli’s management, administrative, and fiscal experience.
Building local supply chains of designers, businesses, and artisans for the realization of CERs Benchmark between management models and legal entities for CERs.
“Dynamic data repository” for business model research and development.
«Industrial» production management of quality CER projects plus project management.
RECOCER Project:
an example
for the Nation

The Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia has funded and assigned 5.4 million euros to the Hill Community alone using the “Concertation” instrument. As a result, RECOCER is Italy’s largest initiative dedicated to CERs.
These are resources not just for creating CERs, but also for enabling a control room for CER production processes: RECOCER will enable the ability to oversee a “industrial” process of developing projects: a form of “gymnasium” for the PNRR.
Because of its scale (15 municipalities, 50,000 residents), the CCF could serve as a demonstration for regulatory authorities, allowing them to better understand the implementation options for the RED-II Directive’s definitive transfer.
San Daniele del Friuli will shortly begin using a legally constituted CER, which will serve as a symbol of concreteness and commitment to “doing”.
With the RECOCER project, we are developing the ability to design and manage CERs by focusing on lower costs, independent evaluation skills, supplier comparison, and a mindset of “creating value and leaving it on the territory”.
With the RECOCER Project, the CCF is developing a regional management capacity for CERs, including a PNRR perspective (2.2 billion euros for CERs), making the CCF’s experience available to the FVG Municipalities.
Aspects to be cautious of: Try to prevent initiatives unrelated to RECOCER from arising on FVG territory, which would multiply costs for municipalities and result in non-interoperable CERs.
Examine the organizational models (ANR, cooperatives, srl) that favor governance and the ability to aggregate supra-municipal resources.
From the CCF
to the all
regional territory